Month: January 2022

Preventive Measure for avoiding Next Pandemic – Akarshak Bose

“The COVID-19 epidemic has tremendously disturbed regular life and business, but has also provided us with a chance to view things differently and be self-sufficient in the future to deal with such abrupt problems.” Before COVID-19, we were importing the majority of the healthcare goods that we might have created in India, but we’re now creating the majority of the items ourselves. We are no longer reliant on imports from other countries, clearing the path for Atmanirbhar Bharat in the health and other areas.

Jansdell Bharathi Foundation Future Ahead. – – Akashak Bose

“Without economics, it’s difficult to grasp the Jansdell Bharathi Foundation,” said the Foundation’s Honorary Chair. He further added “ We faced lots of challenges during our initial days as we lacked experience. But slowly we understood where the problem lies and what’s the solution for it. We are here to undertake a radical change in […]

Self-love (effort part 2) – Srishty Verma

Effort (A second step towards yourself) lesson2: Last week we’ve learned to have faith in ourselves, to have faith in the process but now it’s time to take our second step to put some effort on it. There is one article that says” We all know that some people have faith but they don’t put any effort, while some people put the effort but they don’t have the proper faith”.

Interview with Lakshita Bhargava Author of the Book “Mixed Emotions”

akshita Bhargava: Thank you Swapna. I grew up in Miami, Fl, and now live in Delhi, India. Writing has always been my passion. I have been working with adults and children for the last 20 years on life skills, teaching English and Spanish. I would like to use stories to impart life lessons, since they are an effective and impactful way of sharing learning.

“Mixed Emotions” By Lakshita Bhargava-Book Review

Children’s fiction is one of the most upgraded forms of writing – teaching children (and parents!) about the world around them, benefitting by the short stories, inputting it to use and perform in reality, living the childhood, modifying the child’s perceptions, reliving the bliss of one’s life.

लेखक अखिलेश कुमार की उल्लेखनीय पुस्तक, “आपकी ज़िद आपकी जीत”- पुस्तक समीक्षा

“हम सभी ने इस लोकप्रिय प्रेरक उद्धरण को सुना है – जहां इच्छा है, वहां रास्ता है; और इसलिए हमें अपनी ऊर्जा को दिशा देने की जरूरत है और अंतिम लक्ष्य को ध्यान में रखते हुए हमें जीत की दिशा में आगे बढ़ने की जरूरत है। खैर, यही है जीवन की यह खूबसूरत यात्रा!”

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