Category: TLT Specials

Book Review of “Evolving Self” by Moheni Govinda Nehette

Evolution is a process that goes on throughout the life of an individual. It begins from birth and goes on till a person breathes their last. In this journey, the person can also cater to their needs of evolution and ensure their growth is smoother. “Evolving self” is a book by Moheni Govinda Nehette, which […]

Author Feature : Arshiyan Khan Author of the Book “Submission of Green Knight.”

The Rise Insight: Welcome to The Rise Insight, Arshiyan Khan. Congratulations on the release of your book. What responses are you getting from your readers? Please share your experience with this book. Arshiyan Khan: The responses have been so much diverse and colourful, far…far more than what I expected. The readers say that it’s a […]

Book Review:”Journey of Perseverance – An entrepreneurial journey of perseverance towards the future” by Priyambada Mishra

‘Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.’                                                            –       Jonathan Swift While many have a vision for their lives, hard work and perseverance is where the challenges emerge. “Journey of Perseverance” by Priyambada Mishra is a self-help guide that brings together life skills and business tactics, allowing the readers to redefine […]

Interview with Misbah Salim Qazi Author of The Book “Mystery of Happiness: Enigma of Happiness”

1.        The Rise Insight: I would like to begin by congratulating you on the publication of “Mystery of Happiness: Enigma of Happiness” How has the response to the book been so far? Misbah Salim Qazi: Thanks Saroha. Response to the book is quite satisfactory and I am pleased to see such a stunning response. 2.        […]

Book Review : SAMRAT: Who never gives up by Suchi Smita Sahu

The spirit of never giving up and going on steady is what is the main purpose of any person’s life. Everyone, from their childhood, is inculcated with the spirit of striving to thrive even in adverse circumstances. “Samrat: Who Never Gives Up” by Suchi Smita Sahu has the resonating effect of this philosophy, which the […]

Author Feature : Mohd Auyoob Mir Author of the Book “Moonstruck”

The Rise Insight: Welcome to The Rise Insight, author. Congratulations on the release of your book. What responses are you getting from your readers? Please share your experience with this book. Mohd Auyoob Mir: Thank You for your best wishes. I got the appreciation from my readers when I uploaded posters of my debut book […]

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