Author Feature: Arushi Kohli – A Rising Star of Empathy and Expression
In the literary world, there are authors who touch hearts not just with their words but also with the stories they choose to tell. Arushi Kohli is one such remarkable…
In the literary world, there are authors who touch hearts not just with their words but also with the stories they choose to tell. Arushi Kohli is one such remarkable…
Form the last few years we have seen the Korean dramas and televisions shows have created a wave of entertainment that is quite impossible to miss, as we already know one of the most popular Korean show “Squid Game” season 1 (2021) is still holding the title of the most watched show of all time on the Netflix.
Shrideep Ghogare's "Saga of Vinasha Book 03: The Pearl of Amruta" brings readers on a thrilling trip into a world where myth and science mix together. This book delves into the historical myths surrounding a mystery pearl with the ability to provide immortality while exploring the limitations of modern science.
There lived a father called Akash, and a daughter called Sudha, in a little village. Akash had been working as a peasant for meager wages. He always says to Sudha that he wished to fly in an airplane since his childhood, but it would never happen to a poor family like us.
we have come almost at end of this loving ourselves journey, this journey started from having faith, to making an effort, becoming more patience to accepting yourself and start growing…
Today through this article we are going to discussing about the one of the most important anddifficult terms of our life “Acceptance”. According to human psychology acceptance is a “person’sassent…
These days, women are challenging the boundaries and are planting flags across arenas. They are proving themselves equally competent, par with men. We are witnessing a social revolution where women…
Fear (it can make us or can break us) lesson 4: Now it’s time to take our fourth step. Dealing with this term called “fear”. No doubt, we all have…
फरवरी 2020 के किसी तारीख की बात है। मैं बिहार की राजधानी पटना से परीक्षा देकर वापस घर को लौट रहा था, जिस ट्रेन के लिए सीट आरक्षित था, कैपिटल एक्सप्रेस थी। रात्रि के 11 बजे ट्रेन आई और मैं अपने गंतव्य को जाने के लिए पूर्वयोजित 'सीट' पर बैठ गया, जो कि लोवर बर्थ थी ! उस तारीख में भी देश में 'कोरोना' अपनी मायाजाल फैलाते हुए बढ़ी जा रही थी, पटना में भी वायरस आ चुके थे, सिर्फ़ प्रमाणित होना बाकी था, किन्तु मैंने दूरअंदेशी को देखते हुए 'मास्क' लगाना शुरू कर दिया था। जिस कंपार्टमेंट में मैं बैठा था, मैंने देखा कि उस कंपार्टमेंट में ही नहीं, वरन पूरी बोगी में किसी यात्री ने मास्क पहने हुए नहीं थे। मैंने सामने की सीट पर बैठे सहयात्री भाई साहब से पूछ ही बैठा- 'क्या सर कोरोना चली गयी क्या ? आपने मास्क नहीं लगाया है !'
I’m Aishwarya of grade 12 I have written three teen books…. and when I was in grade 10 I use to write lot of articles… my mom was being a great support through all my times and my inspiration towards Nicholas sparks and my teen life experiences made me to complete my first book…. followed by that this is my fourth book which every teenager would love this.