“Journey Through My Dreams” is an enchanting collection of short stories that take readers on a whirlwind of adventures, all stemming from the vivid imagination of a young author, Dhruv Dhakad. Written at the tender age of 11, this book is a testament to the boundless creativity and storytelling prowess that Dhruv possesses. The book […]
“Secret to Success – IPR Building Legacy” by Priya Adhyaru-Mehta
“Secret to Success – IPR Building Legacy: Journeys of 25 Entrepreneurs from Gujarat (2022)” by Priya Adhyaru-Mehta is an insightful exploration into the minds and methodologies of some of Gujarat’s most successful entrepreneurs. This book not only celebrates their achievements but also emphasizes the critical role of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in fostering innovation and […]
The Emotional Tapestry of Love, Lust, and Pain in Poetry
Weaving Love Lust Pain is a beautifully crafted collection of ninety poems by Poulomi Bhattacharya that takes readers on an emotional journey through the various stages of love—from its exhilarating beginnings to its heart-wrenching end. The author has skillfully captured the essence of love, lust, and pain in a way that is deeply relatable, making […]
An author Interview with Anwar Shaikh
Q1:- What inspired you to write “Prem SangharshAur Vijay: Eak Anokhee Kahani”? Was there a particular event or experience that influenced the story? Answer:- “Prem Sangharsh Aur Vijay: Eak Anokhee Kahani” was inspired by the complex dynamics of love and struggle in real life. The story is deeply influenced by my observations of how people navigate through intense emotional challenges and […]
“Prem Sangharsh Aur Vijay: Eak Anokhee Kahani” by Anwar Shaikh
“Prem Sangharsh Aur Vijay: Eak Anokhee Kahani” by Anwar Shaikh is a beautifully crafted tale that captures the essence of love, struggle, and triumph. This novel is more than just a story; it is a profound exploration of human emotions, relationships, and the resilience that defines our lives. Through this book, Anwar Shaikh takes readers […]
A Heartfelt Journey of Love, Loss, and Life Lessons
A Starry Eyed by Komal Choubisa is a heartwarming and thought-provoking novel that delves deep into the emotions, struggles, and realizations of a young girl named Khwahish. Through the lens of Khwahish’s journey, Choubisa artfully portrays the often overlooked, yet profound, bond between a child and their parents. The protagonist’s decision to leave home in […]
Book Review of Brush Calligraphy Mastery WITH PRACTICE GUIDE by Yogita Gunjan Sachdeva (Gunjita)
Introduction Brush Calligraphy Mastery WITH PRACTICE GUIDE by Yogita Gunjan Sachdeva is a meticulously crafted guide aimed at anyone eager to explore the art of brush calligraphy. Whether you’re a beginner or someone looking to refine your skills, this book offers a structured approach to mastering this beautiful art form. The guide is more than […]
Exploring “Pratham Aalap” by Dr. Ujjal Adhikary: A Fusion of Modern Poetry and Scientific Insight
Dr. Ujjal Adhikary’s “Pratham Aalap” is not just a poetry book; it’s a convergence of modern poetry and scientific marvels. As a first-time author, Adhikary has ventured into uncharted territories by blending nature, society, and physics into his poetic narrative. This review delves into the nuances of “Pratham Aalap,” exploring its thematic richness, structural innovation, […]
A Poetic Journey Through the Depths of the Human Mind: A Review of Man Bavra Hai by Abhiket Verma
Book Title: Man Bavra HaiAuthor: Abhiket VermaRating: 8.5/10 Overview: “Man Bavra Hai” by Abhiket Verma is a profound and evocative collection of stories and poems that delve deep into the complexities of human emotions, thoughts, and experiences. The author masterfully captures the essence of the human mind, portraying it as a mirror reflecting our innermost […]
Interview with Ruchira Garg Author of the book The Single Innings
Book: The Single Innings: An Unplugged Journey of Indian Middle-Aged, Middle-Class SinglesAuthor: Ruchira GargISBN: 9789356735965Page: 242Publisher: Evincepub Publishing About Ruchira Garg Ruchira Garg is a seasoned HR leader, career and life coach with over two decades of experience with renowned multinational brands. She is also an active blogger, storyteller, author, and podcaster, covering topics on […]