Interview with Lakshita Bhargava Author of the Book “Mixed Emotions”

Swapna Peri: Congratulations on the book. Before asking you anything, please introduce yourself to our readers.
Lakshita Bhargava:
Thank you Swapna. I grew up in Miami, Fl, and now live in Delhi, India. Writing has always been my passion. I have been working with adults and children for the last 20 years on life skills, teaching English and Spanish. I would like to use stories to impart life lessons, since they are an effective and impactful way of sharing learning.

Swapna Peri:  The title ‘Mixed Emotions’ is deep and insightful. What is the reason to choose this title for a tiny story?
Lakshita Bhargava:
For that, you’ll have to read the story. (Smiles)

Swapna Peri: What observations and conclusions did you make while developing the characters?
Lakshita Bhargava:
The characters are regular people. People that can be related to and connected with.

Swapna Peri: When did you first have this thought of writing a story?
Lakshita Bhargava:
I’ve dabbled in writing since I was a child.

Swapna Peri: How did your association with illustrator Dharani Verma happen?
Lakshita Bhargava:
She’s a friend.

Swapna Peri: Who and what inspires you the most? Can you share any interesting incident?
Lakshita Bhargava:
The little, trusting look on my daughter’s face when she comes to me for help.

Swapna Peri: Expressing so much in a tiny story is not an easy task. But, your story made it happen. What kind of homework did you do before sending the final draft and how many edits have been there?
Lakshita Bhargava:
There haven’t been many edits. I tend to edit as I type, and storyboard before I even begin typing.

Swapna Peri: Are there any plans to write this story as a series because the ending of Mixed Emotions and Natalia’s wish to have Nancy to her town is promising.
Lakshita Bhargava:
Stay tuned…

Swapna Peri: As a child, what was your favorite book? And why?
Lakshita Bhargava:
I didn’t have a favorite book. I had favorite authors. Judy Blume, Jack London are a couple.

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