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Akarshak Bose
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Ram Mandir Ayodhya
6 months ago no Comment

Jai Shree Ram, Today, as the beautiful Ram Mandir stands tall, it marks not just the end of a wait but the beginning of a new era for India. In the year 2010, as the verdict of the Allahabad High Court on the Ram Mandir dispute was announced, I sat with my grandfather, watching a […]

2 years ago no Comment

These days, social media is infatuated with a new term: “Urban Naxals.” Although the name has been in use for some time, the notion of Urban Naxalism originated with the formation of the CPI(Maoist) in 2004. It is an age-old method utilized by the Maoists to target primarily urban areas, organize a vast number of […]

2 years ago no Comment

When China annexed Tibet the entire globe was silent. Now China is breathing on India’s neck, and with each passing day the matters are turning more complicated- Dokhlam, Galwan, Tawang. China’s tendency is to frequently claiming the land of others. They are growing desperate to accuire more land by force. As the year rolled on […]

2 years ago no Comment

These days, women are challenging the boundaries and are planting flags across arenas. They are proving themselves equally competent, par with men. We are witnessing a social revolution where women are breaking stereotypes and are unveiling their “Ghunghat” just to challenge the inhuman motives that have kept them away from the mainstream for centuries. Let […]

Budget 2022
2 years ago no Comment

This was India’s second budget following the COVID-19 pandemic. With the country’s economy expected to rebound despite the pandemic’s impact, all eyes were already on the government, which was closely scrutinized for how it balanced its yearly financial plan for the following year, while the middle-class hoped-for tax relief. However, no significant tax reduction was […]

Preventive Measure for avoiding Next Pandemic
2 years ago no Comment

“The COVID-19 epidemic has tremendously disturbed regular life and business, but has also provided us with a chance to view things differently and be self-sufficient in the future to deal with such abrupt problems.” Before COVID-19, we were importing the majority of the healthcare goods that we might have created in India, but we’re now creating the majority of the items ourselves. We are no longer reliant on imports from other countries, clearing the path for Atmanirbhar Bharat in the health and other areas.

3 years ago no Comment

It’s been 2 years since Covid 19 has been a part of our life, challenging the human race, perhaps quite often by its variants. In 2020, the Covid hit the global economy harder. Locking down their economies, shutting down their borders proved to be a difficult choice for the developing countries.

A memoir of trip to Shimla
3 years ago no Comment

A memoir of trip to Shimla Tribute to Mr Jansdell. I was in Chandigarh for my book-related work.

a journey untold
3 years ago no Comment

a journey untold a voyage from indecisiveness to entrepreneurship

Sharing a Common Vision
3 years ago no Comment

Dr N Kannan Sir was sitting right in front of me on a warm sunny morning in July 26, 2019, when I first saw him.

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