Book Review “You Can Become Rich” by Arvind Sharma

One cannot deny the importance of money in life. It would be an escapist saying that only good virtues are needed to lead a happy life. Money is that one thing which can buy almost everything. It all depends on an individual to choose the way to earn money and live with it. We have many people who earn according to their mettle and have set up standards on how to lead a quality life. It is always a hypothetical argument on comparing happiness against money. Who doesn’t want money, and most importantly, who doesn’t want to be rich? The word rich has many layers. A rich person can be that person who is able to earn that much, which makes him happy, his family comfortable, and his life peaceful. A rich man is a man who is able to draw the amount of money in an emergency when a health issue arises suddenly, without seeking a loan from anywhere. A rich man also has dozens of the costliest cars, a holiday home, and lots of investments around. Well, we can never deny the famous saying- Money is Honey!

Our attitude towards money starts from a very early age, say 5 or 6 years. When an aunt or grandma visits us over the summer holidays, they give a coin or a note to buy some chocolates and save the rest; a foundation for saving and investing starts. We can also see that children enact themselves as working parents, servant-master, and officer-employee where the words money and salary are often used. Thus, money is an integral part of growing from a child to a good and intelligent investor.

In this book by Anand Sharmaa, the importance of money and how to become rich is explained in a hassle-free language with easy vocabulary and simple terms. The book has eleven chapters, and each chapter has its own charm of attracting the readers towards the important steps to be taken when one wants to become rich. The first chapter, The Power of Desire, clearly explains the amount of interest and enthusiasm that a person must develop from every nook and corner of his mind to buck up himself to earn and become rich. Likewise, in the other chapters, the author tries to instigate the interest in saving money and investing it in the future.

The tone of the book is one of my favourites. It is authoritative but also friendly! It is almost like talking to a friend who is an intelligent investor is helping us to lead a calm life. Also, not to forget to mention the summarized points at the end of every chapter. Each chapter’s titles give an insight into what the chapter is about, but after reading it, the satisfaction that a reader gets is wonderful. Because of the simple language, the author can implant the things he wants to say to the readers out there seamlessly.

Having read many international and national bestsellers like Rich Dad, Poor Dad or The Psychology of Money or Warren Buffet’s biography or Future Group’s – Kishore Biyani’s biography, this book, You Can Become Rich by Arvind Sharmaa, a short book of 50 odd pages that is a culmination of many such bigs and offers the readers the best experiencing in reading the laws of success in becoming rich. This is a definite recommendation to all those young people who want to become rich and to those people who are in the middle ground to reach the apex of a happy life!

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