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Interview with Misbah Salim Qazi Author of The Book “Mystery of Happiness: Enigma of Happiness”

1.        The Rise Insight: I would like to begin by congratulating you on the publication of “Mystery of Happiness: Enigma of Happiness” How has the response to the book been so far?

Misbah Salim Qazi: Thanks Saroha. Response to the book is quite satisfactory and I am pleased to see such a stunning response.

2.        The Rise Insight: “Mystery of Happiness: Enigma of Happiness” seems to be quite different as per your choice of subject. What led to the idea of writing “Mystery of Happiness: Enigma of Happiness”? Were there any events that inspired the work?

Misbah Salim Qazi: So, the idea behind writing  Mystery of Happiness was to acquaint readers with the real meaning of happiness and to give few manageable steps to be happy.

Yes, I have been an outdoor soul, so many times things happened life happened initially it made me grim but they say, “The wilderness holds answers to questions man has not yet learned to ask.”  Which, gave me an idea of writing the Mystery of Happiness.

3.        The Rise Insight: How easy or difficult was it for you to write on a subject that held relevance for all and also remain objective about it in your book“Mystery of Happiness: Enigma of Happiness”?

Misbah Salim Qazi: Voyage of writing Mystery of Happiness was merciful but the thought process and depth with which I was dealing was something which I must say was challenging to put down.

4.        The Rise Insight: What are your views about present-day writing? Do you think it does complete justice in depicting human nature in the light of “Mystery of Happiness: Enigma of Happiness”?

Misbah Salim Qazi: My views about present day writing are quite complex and mixed.

yes, it fulfills arbiter in depicting human nature, but there is lot more that needs to be added which I will surely be covering in the second part of the book.

5.        The Rise Insight: “Mystery of Happiness: Enigma of Happiness” shows the uniqueness of your style of writing. Are there any authors that you enjoy reading or any books which are your favorites?

Misbah Salim Qazi: I have my hands on none fiction books most of the times, There is no favourite author as such but The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is my all-time favorite edition.

6.        The Rise Insight: “Mystery of Happiness: Enigma of Happiness” shows a cliché subject from a whole new perspective. How would you categorize “Mystery of Happiness: Enigma of Happiness” as its appeal seems to be to a broad audience?

Misbah Salim Qazi: This is the book that can’t be categorized to a particular audience, as the Mystery of happiness starts with innocent thoughts but then further covers harsh realities, habits, poems, stories, and experiences. So categorizing it would not be fair enough. But yes, it’s the best gift for teens and adults.

7.        Akhila Sarohit’s “Mystery of Happiness: Enigma of Happiness” has introduced you as a writer yet again and given an introduction to your potential. Can the readers expect more from you in the future? Would you please share about your future projects?

Misbah Salim Qazi: Yes, readers can expect more. I would love to share my future projects but mystery must remain a mystery unless it’s the right time.

8.        The Rise Insight: As a title, “Mystery of Happiness: Enigma of Happiness” is quite intriguing. What is the story behind its making?

Misbah Salim Qazi:  Oh! it has a nutty story behind making it. So when I was inscribing Mystery of Happiness my family did not know so, whenever they asked me what are you doing I use to reply I am doing something mysterious …. And the additional reason was that whenever someone is happy or successful people do ask what’s the mystery behind your success, happiness so I thought it would be the perfect tittle.

9.        The Rise Insight: “Mystery of Happiness: Enigma of Happiness” is your work in non-fiction writing. Do you plan to venture into fiction writing any time in the future? Would you share about your future projects with the readers?

Misbah Salim Qazi: yes, fiction writing is in my bucket list. My future projects are secret for now.

10.      The Rise Insight: In the present time, books exploring the subject of “Mystery of Happiness: Enigma of Happiness” do not find mention as such. What, according to you, could be the possible reason for that?

Misbah Salim Qazi: I guess people have forgotten importance of long term happiness and towering relationships.

11.      The Rise Insight: If you were to describe your book “Mystery of Happiness: Enigma of Happiness” in a few words without giving any spoilers, what would those words be?

Misbah Salim Qazi: glory, towering, simple, cheerful would be right words to describe the book.

12.      The Rise Insight: What advice would you give to budding writers who may be planning to write in the same genre as “Mystery of Happiness: Enigma of Happiness”?

Misbah Salim Qazi: I would suggest that don’t be in a rush take your time and make sure that you prepare at least one draft of your ideas.

13.      The Rise Insight: Thank you very much for sparing your time. I look forward to reading more books from you in the future. All the best.

Misbah Salim Qazi: Thank you so much Akhila, it was a wonderful conversation.

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