Tag: online book publishing

Ann Treasa Joseph’s “The Ocean in My Sky”—Book Review

This fantasy fiction title, “The Ocean In My Sky” by Author Ann Treasa Joseph tells the readers a very painful story of a mother’s sacrifice along with a son’s sorrows and the miseries of all those people who had lost their love in some or the other stage of their lives. The Author talks about some beyond the world things in this book, which are just imaginary but bit scary too. This book may amaze you with its extraordinary fictional tales or it may arouse some critical questions about the writing carried out by the author in his book. Moreover, there is not a single shred of doubt that this book is somewhat unique, which is trying to tell the readers a story in a very out of the box manner!

Interview with Misbah Salim Qazi Author of The Book “Mystery of Happiness: Enigma of Happiness”

1.        The Rise Insight: I would like to begin by congratulating you on the publication of “Mystery of Happiness: Enigma of Happiness” How has the response to the book been so far? Misbah Salim Qazi: Thanks Saroha. Response to the book is quite satisfactory and I am pleased to see such a stunning response. 2.        […]

Book Review : Cold Cock by Mukul Ranjan

Mukul Ranjan’s book title, ‘Cold Cock’, is both unusual and unconventional. It is confusing an effortless attention-grabber, yet as it’s very uncanny to be a title for a book. If taken metaphorically, it justifies the events in the story accurately. But that is something that the readers can understand only when they read through the […]

Book Review : Mystry of happiness: Enigma of hapliness by Misbah Salim Qazi

Happiness is something that every human being seeks and wants more and more every time. This is the sole motivator and drives their efforts in the direction which would take them to happiness. While materialistic objects bring joy to quite an extent, a significant portion of happiness is attributed to abstract things which require more […]

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