Read more about the article Mask Man of India : Tatsamyak Manu
MaskMan of India

Mask Man of India : Tatsamyak Manu

फरवरी 2020 के किसी तारीख की बात है। मैं बिहार की राजधानी पटना से परीक्षा देकर वापस घर को लौट रहा था, जिस ट्रेन के लिए सीट आरक्षित था, कैपिटल एक्सप्रेस थी। रात्रि के 11 बजे ट्रेन आई और मैं अपने गंतव्य को जाने के लिए पूर्वयोजित 'सीट' पर बैठ गया, जो कि लोवर बर्थ थी ! उस तारीख में भी देश में 'कोरोना' अपनी मायाजाल फैलाते हुए बढ़ी जा रही थी, पटना में भी वायरस आ चुके थे, सिर्फ़ प्रमाणित होना बाकी था, किन्तु मैंने दूरअंदेशी को देखते हुए 'मास्क' लगाना शुरू कर दिया था। जिस कंपार्टमेंट में मैं बैठा था, मैंने देखा कि उस कंपार्टमेंट में ही नहीं, वरन पूरी बोगी में किसी यात्री ने मास्क पहने हुए नहीं थे। मैंने सामने की सीट पर बैठे सहयात्री भाई साहब से पूछ ही बैठा- 'क्या सर कोरोना चली गयी क्या ? आपने मास्क नहीं लगाया है !'

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Read more about the article Cowin portal server crashes, people are getting upset, Without appointment 18+ people will not be able to get vaccinated.
Cowin portal server crashes, people are getting upset, Without appointment 18+ people will not be able to get vaccinated.

Cowin portal server crashes, people are getting upset, Without appointment 18+ people will not be able to get vaccinated.

Vaccination of people of agr 18 and older in the country will start registration from May 1. Registration for this was to start from today i.e. 28th of April at 4 pm. But as of 4 o'clock, the Cowin portal was cached. People faced similar problems with Arogya Setu and Umang App.

Continue ReadingCowin portal server crashes, people are getting upset, Without appointment 18+ people will not be able to get vaccinated.

The frontline warriors are Bajrangbali of the Corona era : Karthik Aryan

Even though the country is struggling with a big problem, people from all over the country prayed to God to save the peoples live from this epidemic on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti on Tuesday 27 April. Actor Karthik Aryan also shared a photo on social media on the day of Hanuman Jayanti. But Karthik Aryan gave a Tribute to the Frontline Warriors on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti.

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Read more about the article India will have 80 metric tonne oxygen coming out for the crisis, from Saudi Arabia
India will soon have 80 metric tonne oxygen coming out for the crisis, from Saudi Arabia

India will have 80 metric tonne oxygen coming out for the crisis, from Saudi Arabia

The second wave of Corona has affected India the most and cases of infections are increasing rapidly every day. In the era of this epidemic, the thing that has caused…

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Mandatory vaccination for all adults over the age of 18 from May 1st.

Covid-19 vaccination for all adults over the age of 18 is seen as a critical step in containing the second wave of Covid-19, which has infected 15,061,919 people in India. The government declared on Monday that starting May 1, all people over the age of 18 would get the Covid-19 vaccine.

Continue ReadingMandatory vaccination for all adults over the age of 18 from May 1st.