Book Review: “A Conversation With Time” By Author Nabaghan Ojha

“True courage results in some extraordinary outcomes, something which we hope for deep down in our hearts but don’t expect in our practical life and yet life surprises us with some beyond imaginable out-turns, only because of our courageous and bold decisions!”   

Reviewing this amazing literature fiction book, “A Conversation With Time” by Author Nabaghan Ojha has been a very special experience to me as well. Since this book had taught me so many things, which certainly opens your eyes with respect to the various aspects of our lives. The book is truly beneficial for the readers and has a lot to offer, so happy reading!

About the Author: Author, Nabaghan Ojha is a thinker with a difference; he is also an avid reader of philosophy, mythology and scriptures. He works extensively upon the social issues that prevails in India and other countries. And rightly so, his literary works across multiple disciplines includes the narratives of the human experiences.

Author Nabaghan Ojha went to the University of Delhi. He is also a recipient of the prestigious Commonwealth Scholarship for his masters at Bangor University, United Kingdom (Britain). 

Book’s Introduction: This book, “A Conversation With Time”by Author Nabaghan Ojha is a ‘Literary Fiction title,’ which the Author has written in a highly philosophical manner. The book will give you a flavour of fiction as well as realism however; the truth is that the book is based upon the real narrative of the human experiences!  

Well, there is not even a single shred of doubt to what the Author has mentioned about his book, if the readers would dive deep into this book then a page or sentence will ignite their curiosity to go through the entire book.

Moreover, this book will enable you to change that perception and ignite your passion to explore the real ‘you’ in yourself. The book unearths the hidden knowledge with many interesting stories and examples, which tell you how you can live by choice and think of the larger purpose of the life rather than romanticizing your day to day disorders. The book will tell you how to triumph over your unsettled mind and the world, which seems, designed to hurt you. 

Book Title: The title of this book, “A Conversation With Time” is most certainly a catchy title and this is something which makes the book even more interesting, as the title itself compels you as a reader to pick up this book for a read. You would feel a longing urge to dive inside the chapters and in order to understand the Author’s interpretation through this amazing literary fictional book. Moreover, a title like this also gives an impression that there could some hidden words of wisdom inside this book, which actually is true also in the case of this title!

Well, the Author Nabaghan Ojha has completely succeeded in choosing a perfect Book Title and his writings too had fully justified this title. Therefore, I must mention that it is a very apt title for this book and the Author had been extremely wise to go for this title.

Readers Connect: Through this book, Author Nabaghan Ojha has very vividly painted an impression of time and has been successful to tell the readers that time waits for none. The author aims at providing a meaning to the perception of every being who looks within themselves in an inferior position. These perceptions, when moved to a whole area of positivity, would definitely contribute to a better world. The world could be peaceful, if the thoughts and processes do not clash with each other and race in the mob to either succeed or defeat.

The readers would love to go through such an insightful book, which shows how we as humans are evolving. The book has a fictional format with true narratives, and it is written in such a wonderful manner, that the readers would not feel to put it down. The book shows us the practical and real side of life and the ways to preserve it and live it. There are three parts to the book and each part is explained so well that even amateurs and beginners will love the book!

Verdict: A Book like “A Conversation With Time” is for sure a Must-Read oneand deserves a chance. The way author had penned down his marvellous ideas through these fiction stories is truly praise worthy. In addition, the aim and the positivity with which the Author has worked upon this title deserves much appreciation.

Moreover, if you are looking to read something indeed worthy and out of the box then this book is the most accurate fit for you. Author, Nabaghan Ojha is a promising Author, who is very honest with his writings, which the readers can feel in his spectacular stories!

Book Link:

Reviewed By: Neel Preet

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