Book Review : The Art of Being Happy

mukesh jain book

Book: The Art of Being Happy
Author: Dr. Mukesh Jain
Publisher: Evincepub Publishing (2023)
ISBN : 9789356733176

Reviewed By: Neel Preet

Undoubtedly, we all have a common desire to lead a happy life, but do we know that our happiness lies in our own hands. Well, the former American Football hero Ralph Marston believes that, “Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy!” This remarkable book, “The Art Of Being Happy” by Author Dr. Mukesh Jain is written with the noble aim of changing the mindset & the attitude of the readers, which can help them to grow, achieve success, attain inner-peace & satisfaction and to fulfil their goals. The book also highlights the methods through which the readers can discover their hidden potentials, learn the art of mastering the mind, learn the philosophy of self-love and make a successful transformation in all their desired aspects!

Author Dr. Mukesh Jain is an IPS officer of Madhya Pradesh cadre presently posted as the Special DG Police at the Police Headquarters, Madhya Pradesh. He has a brilliant academic background. He received his BE in Electronics and Telecommunication engineering from MANIT Bhopal with gold medal. Further to this, he obtained his MBA from the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad. He obtained his Master of Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, where he had the distinction of receiving two distinguished awards: The Mason Fellow award and The Lucius N. Littauer Fellow award for exemplary academic achievement, public service & potential for future leadership.

He was also awarded The Raymond & Josephine Vernon award for academic distinction & significant contribution to Mason Fellowship Program. Shri Mukesh Jain has also received his PhD in Strategic Management from IIT Delhi. Dr. Mukesh Jain has authored many books. He is the author of bestselling book – “A Happier You: Strategies to achieve peak joy in work and life using science of Happiness!” He is a visiting faculty to many business schools and reputed training institutes. He is an expert trainer of Lateral Thinking, and The Science of Happiness. While his latest title, ‘The Art of Being Happy: A Masterclass in the Science of Happiness’ is a path breaking book providing insights from the research on positive psychology!

This incredible book, “The Art Of Being Happy” by Author Dr. Mukesh Jain is a ground breaking book that delves into the science behind true happiness. Drawing upon the latest research in positive psychology, neuroscience, and evolutionary biology, this enlightening work challenges traditional notions of happiness and provides readers with evidence-based strategies to cultivate lasting well-being. Through this book, the author tackles the common misconception that happiness is merely a result of external circumstances or random bouts of good fortune. Instead, the book emphasizes that happiness is a skill that can be learned & nurtured through deliberate practices, and mindset shifts. By weaving together practical exercises and research-backed insights, the author empowers readers to take control of their happiness and live more fulfilling lives.

While the book focuses on personal happiness, it also highlights the importance of social connections and community well-being. It underscores the idea that happiness is not solely an individual pursuit but is intricately linked to our interactions with others. By exploring the role of relationships and social support, the book encourages readers to cultivate meaningful connections and contribute to the happiness of those around them!

Well, if we go over the Readers’ Connect part for this book then interestingly we can note that this title, ‘The Art Of Being Happy’ is written in a real appealing manner. One of the notable strengths of this title is its comprehensive approach to well-being. The book covers various facets of happiness, including social and emotional well-being, building meaningful relationships, and finding purpose and meaning in life. By addressing these key aspects, the author provides readers with a holistic understanding of happiness and offers practical tools to enhance each area.

The book’s foundation in scientific research is commendable. By drawing on findings from psychology, neuroscience, and evolutionary biology, the author ensures that the strategies and techniques presented are rooted in empirical evidence. This not only lends credibility to the book’s content but also helps readers gain a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms that contribute to happiness!

Furthermore, the book’s emphasis on actionable exercises sets it apart. Rather than simply presenting theoretical concepts, the author provides readers with practical tools and exercises to apply in their own lives. This hand on approach allows readers to actively engage with the material and experience first-hand the positive impact of implementing these techniques.

Now, coming to the final part, i.e. the Book’s Verdict where I must mention that a title like, “The Art Of Being Happy” is for sure a MUST READone& deserves a chance by the readers. This title is an insightful as well as empowering work that combines scientific research with practical wisdom. It offers readers a roadmap to authentic happiness, dispelling common myths and providing evidence based strategies to cultivate well-being. By integrating the latest research from various disciplines, the author equips readers with the tools and knowledge necessary to embark on their personal happiness journey. This book is a valuable resource for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of happiness and a more fulfilling life!

In addition, Author Dr. Mukesh Jain deserves all the appreciation for his honest & hard work in this title as the book also stands out for its accessible writing style. Despite delving into scientific research, the author presents the information in a reader friendly manner, making it accessible to a wide audience. The concepts are explained clearly, and complex ideas are broken down into digestible explanations, ensuring that readers can easily grasp and apply the principles discussed.

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