Month: December 2023

Selling Is Not Cheating – Sales Is Strategy, Skills, Pricing, Marketing And Ethics – Manojit Majumdar

In the dynamic landscape of the business operations prevailing in the modern day organizations, Author Manojit Majumdar’s remarkable sales strategy guide, “Selling Is Not Cheating – Sales Is Strategy, Skills, Pricing, Marketing And Ethics” emerges as a compelling exploration into the intricacies of sales, dissecting the myths and misconceptions surrounding this crucial facet of the […]

“Fundamentals of Warehousing” by Dr. B. Meenakshi Sundaram, M. Meera, Dr. K. Rajesh Kumar, and Dr. R. Sugirtha

“Fundamentals of Warehousing” by Dr. B. Meenakshi Sundaram, M. Meera, Dr. K. Rajesh Kumar, and Dr. R. Sugirtha is a comprehensive guide that seamlessly blends academic expertise with real-world experience. The authors, with their extensive backgrounds in Marketing, Financial Management, and Industrial expertise, bring a unique perspective to the world of warehousing. The book is […]

Sahitya Sparsh Awards 2024: A Digital Confluence of Literary Brilliance Across Asia

In a dynamic homage to the ever-evolving landscape of literature, the Sahitya Sparsh Awards 2024 is poised to commend extraordinary authors and their literary masterpieces from the diverse realms of the Asian continent. Esteemed for its unwavering commitment to championing the profound influence of storytelling, this prestigious award ceremony is set to unfold in a […]

New Book Launch by UAE Based Indian Entrepreneur

Dubai based tech-entrepreneur, Kalpesh Desai, unveils a heartfelt exploration of love in his new poetry collection, “Jasmines In Her Hair”. Dubai, 21nd December 2023 With his latest book, “Jasmines In Her Hair”, Dubai based technology entrepreneur and author, Kalpesh Desai, has demonstrated that language has an intricate connection to the human experience, This captivating poetry […]

Book Review : The Historical Collector Association – Return Of The Battalion

Book Title: The Historical Collector Association – Return Of The BattalionAuthor: Sunishthh ShauqISBN: 9789356737099Publisher: Evincepub Publishing Life can be too mysterious sometimes and one cannot even dare to imagine what results would occur when those mysteries would be unveiled. One can only hope that those mysteries would result for something that is agreeable with them […]

Dr. Sagarika Jamadade’s “Downpour, It was: Alike were we, under different skies” stands as an intricately woven tapestry of human experience

In the labyrinth of emotions, Dr. Sagarika Jamadade’s “Downpour, It was: Alike were we, under different skies” stands as an intricately woven tapestry of human experience. This collection of 47 poems takes readers on a poignant journey through the depths of love, pain, and self-discovery. The protagonist, Kiah, serves as the vessel for this emotional […]

जलवायु परिवर्तनः हम कितने जिम्मेदार ? – राजीव ‘आचार्य’

नवम्बर माह के अन्तिम सप्ताह से 12 दिसम्बर 2023 से दुबई में चल रहे एक वैश्विक सम्मेलन की वजह से दुनिया भर की नजर उन फैसलों पर टिकी हुई है जो इस धरती का भविष्य तय करने वाले हैं। लगभग दो हफ्तों तक चलने वाली सीओपी28 के सम्मेलन में लगभग सभी देशों के राष्ट्राध्यक्ष मौजूद […]

Author Binoy Raveendran Talks About His Latest Book “Just Squeeze It”

The Rise Insight: The chapters in “Just Squeeze It” cover a diverse range of topics, from compassion to hope to faith. How do you navigate weaving these themes together to create a cohesive and impactful narrative throughout the book? Binoy Raveendran:   All the themes are interrelated, talking about motivation, spirituality, compassion, hope, etc, in a […]

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