Pankaj Lochan Talks About His Latest Book ‘Sigma: as life sums it all…’

Pankaj is a writer, music enthusiast and a philanthroper who is very passionate about climate change initiatives at fundamental level. He grew up with parents who always taught him the larger meaning of life and ensured he was observant to the extraordinary in seemingly ordinary things and people in life. Pankaj feels that his wife Piyusha and daughter Prisha bring out the best in him and his writing.

Professional Background: Mr Pankaj Lochan has more than 2 decades of experience with organizations like Tata Steel, Dr Reddy’s and JSW Group. He joined his current role as Executive Director & Group CHRO with JSPL from Ambuja Cements where he was working as President – Manufacturing. He has worked in various functions like Manufacturing, Projects, Human Resource, Research & Development, and Business Transformation etc. Pankaj is an engineer by profession and holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from IIT-BHU and has also done his management education program from IIM Ahmedabad. Pankaj has authored several books in the field of TQM and HR and holds several patents and copyrights in the field of manufacturing and Total Quality Management. He is a Master-black-belt in Six Sigma and also trained in other improvement methodologies like Lean, TOC and TPM. Pankaj has also been trained on Open Innovations from the Haas School, Berkley and on TQM from Japanese Union of Scientists & Engineers (JUSE), Tokyo.

Neha Sharma: First and foremost, Congratulations for doing a wonderful work authoring this splendid work called Sigma. I am sure a lot of positivity must be pouring-in related to the book. Am I right?

Pankaj Lochan: Thank you so much! I am getting a lot of positive feedback from a lot of people – they’ve liked the whole concept of Sigma.

Neha Sharma: What would you like to say about the Sigma concept in the shortest possible or may be as the gist of the book?

Pankaj Lochan: SIGMA is about the “cause” & “Effect” in life; something that we don’t understand clearly. The retributions that we receive in life can only be commensurate with our due efforts. We shouldn’t expect more.

Neha Sharma: I was amazed reading the long-list of your qualifications and achievements in life. In what ways, do you cherish the values the rest of them carry while balancing with your accolades in writing?

Pankaj Lochan: I only value my being a good human being, and that’s precisely what I value in others too! All other virtues that come by my educational or material accomplishments maybe relevant today, may not be relevant tomorrow. But my “goodness” as a human being is there to stay!

Neha Sharma: What inspires you to start with a new idea, each time to write?

Pankaj Lochan: Everything around has become so complicated – food, our living, our relationships, our society, our work environments. They are far more stressed or expanded that what we require. I want to educate people to simplify things – and make things easier in the world. Sigma is the first step in simplifying relationships and straightening our deeds.

Neha Sharma: Who is your role model in the field of writing, if any?

Pankaj Lochan: I’m mostly into ancient Indian literature – Vedas, puranas, Upanishads etc. The Shruti and smriti literature inspires me. I also respect contemporary, modern literature.

Neha Sharma: Do you have a dream book which is yet to be penned-down by you? If I may get a clue, what is it about?

Pankaj Lochan: Yes! The ones written and in the offing are mostly about relationships at work, society  and home; The dream book would be about a model code of conduct for the modern urban workplaces. I don’t have the architecture in mind, but will certainly come up with it. This book is where my two fields of work (my earlier books) will merge – my books/work on management practices and those on human & societal relationships (like Sigma)

Neha Sharma: What advice would you like to offer to aspiring authors, about tackling the infamous writer’s block as well as otherwise?

Pankaj Lochan: I think all of us must connect and write from a basis – “our philosophy”. As long as that happens, the writers’ block doesn’t happen. I also appreciate that pure fiction / genre writers may face this problem. They just have to do some radical thinking/living to get new ideas and overcome the block.

Neha Sharma: Given the 24 hours in a day, what time suits you the best for writing?

Pankaj Lochan: Anytime an idea occurs to me

Neha Sharma: When did you start your writing journey? Were you going through a good or challenging phase when you started?

Pankaj Lochan: I wrote more in difficult times. I get more ideas when I’m stressed.

Neha Sharma: What suggestions would you like to share with those writers who have completed a work and are now on their hunt for a good publishing team? As in, what criteria should they set to zero-in at one.

Pankaj Lochan: A great publishing team does wonders to your work, like in my case. However, I strongly feel you should rely on your work quality only.

Long-term success through quality work is like butter in milk; I will always float up!

Neha Sharma: Thank you for your times and efforts to make this interview happen. Wish you all the best for all your present as well as future endeavours.

Pankaj Lochan: Thank you. I wish you all the best too!

Be well, healthy and happy!

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