Interview with Author Shrideep J Ghogare

Author’s Background: Author Shrideep J Ghogare, is known for a handful of other interesting books too, prior to this one. His other books includes Dushtantak Trilogy Book 01: The Invincible Arrives, Saga of Vinasha Book 01: The Ballad of Teen Mukaha and Patala Series Book 01: Atala – The Kingdom Of Bala.

While this book‘SAGA OF VINASHA BOOK 02: The Voyage For Kalratna’ got published by Evincepub Publishing and was released worldwide on 19th of October 2022. The book is available in both paperback as well as in e-book format and is listed on all the online marketplaces; the readers can easily find this title on amazon and other online marketplaces!


Neel Preet: Firstly, Congratulations on your book, “SAGA OF VINASHA BOOK 02: The Voyage For Kalratna!” Well, can you please share your experience about making your work come into the form of book!

Shrideep J Ghogare: Well this books story started with a chat with my younger siblings when we were discussing about various time travel sci fi movies and series and when they were saying that time travel is so cool I remembered how one of the Indian mythological high priestess had changed the time cycle I told that story to my younger siblings. And while we were discussing this story the plot of this novel came in my mind.

Neel Preet: What inspired you to go for the second part of the ‘Saga of Vinasha’ series? What was the impetus behind this work of yours?

Shrideep J Ghogare: Well actually the series (Saga of Vinasha ) is  a story ready , written and complete with me . it is the story of 15 to 20 books or we can say 15 – 20 quest for my readers till it comes to the conclusion.

Neel Preet: Your book title, ‘The Voyage For Kalratna’ is definitely a catchy one! So, can you please explain the reasons for going with this book title!

Shrideep J Ghogare: Kal ratna in simple English can be said as Gem of Time and the voyage means journey . So yes this quest is a journey for the gem that can control the time .

Neel Preet: Well, can you please explain that how is this book different from the other books of the same genres?

Shrideep J Ghogare: Really nice question! I would like to tell you that this is a action packed suspense thriller book but it is based on real mythology and has lot of fantasy and out of the world sci – fi elements. I would say it is the perfect combinations of all this spices.

Neel Preet: Apart from action & adventure category, in which other genres would you like to make your contributions?

Shrideep J Ghogare: mythology, mystery horror suspense even romance. Would like to give it a go once at least in all categories.

Neel Preet: Reading the plot of this book, I’m greatly impressed & I want you to explain us, in your version, that how this book will appeal the readers of the present day!

Shrideep J Ghogare: Well I would like to tell them the base of mythology of our indian mythology is true with scriptures of it written in various texts. What I want them to know is what today whole world thinks a fantasy (Time travel, Time machine etc.) We were eons ahead of this once we had people like Mata Ahilya who had changed the course of time.

Read the book once enjoy the journey feel the adventure but learn our mythology and what we were capable once.  Hopefully we will reach that level once again.

Neel Preet: Next, I want you to tell us about some of those writers, who had inspired you!

Shrideep J Ghogare: Well lately I am reading a lot of work of Ved Vyasa. And I am so much involved in his work that I cant take any once else names

Neel Preet: Is there any message that you would like to convey to your readers? Or any piece of advice, which you would like to give to the readers out there!

Shrideep J Ghogare:I would like to tell them don’t read this book only read all my four books and if possible read them in the sequence

  1. Dushtantak trilogy book 01
  2. Saga of Vinasha book 01
  3. Patala Series Book 01
  4. Saga of Vinasha Book 02

They all in this sequence are a part of one big and vast story

Next books are on its way

Neel Preet: Are there any other books being worked by you? Please let us know about your future projects.

Shrideep J Ghogare: Yes  I have just signed the contract with evince pub for next three books

I would like to release its names here on your plat form

5th book of mine – Saga of Vinasha book 03 the Pearl of Amruta

6th book of mine will be-  Patala series book 02  Snorkeling in Hatki 

7th book of mine will be – The Balad of Sakshidara Book 01 The Clogs of Kumaras

Neel Preet: Thank you so much for answering all my questions. All the very best to you for future and your book too!

Shrideep J Ghogare: Thanks a Lot .

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