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Abhishek Kadiyala

Book Review “Expeditionary” Written by Abhishek Kadiyala

Book: Expeditionary
Author: Abhishek Kadiyala
Publisher: Evincepub Publishing (2021)
Total Pages: 241
Reviewed By: Neel Preet

“History is not taught to make us remember the dates of the battles or to make us remember the casualties that were made in those battles. Neither do we need to remember the names of the territories conquered by the greatest rulers nor do we need to remember the names of the victorious warriors. All history aims is to let us know the mistakes done by our ancestors in the past and learn from those mistakes, so that tragedies of the past do not occur again!”

Reviewing this daring Historic Fictional book, “Expeditionary” by Author Abhishek Kadiyala has been a special experience to me. Since, the young author has very cleverly presented the world of modern history in his book. In addition, the manner in which the Author highlighted the events, which shaped up our modern world due to the events that took place during the Second World War, is truly incredible.

About the Author: Author, Abhishek Kadiyala is a first time writer, born on 29th December 2001 in Raipur, Chhattisgarh and is presently pursuing his undergraduate studies in St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore in International Relations, Public Policy & Journalism. He possesses an abysmal passion for Society, Military History and Politics with publications in The Print digital news platform. The Author also is a regular participant in Model United Nations conferences, winning several awards for his representations. The Author’s trip to Normandy, France in 2015 had a significant impact on his development as a person, giving him a new perspective on various aspects of the human life!

Abhishek, who lives in the town of Bellary in the Southern Indian state of Karnataka, drew his passions for history, arts & politics from the folklore, legends, books, movies & videogames. This book began as Abhishek’s personal records of his trip to Normandy, which was hoped to be circulated among the small audience of his friends and family. Later on, as the story evolved and matured with the author, he felt a strong urge to share his story with rest of the world.

Book’s Introduction: This book, “Expeditionary” by Author Abhishek Kadiyala tends to take us through the twin expeditions of Normandy, France set 71 years apart. One Expedition takes us into the battle of Normandy, diving into the stories of those who fought here on D-Day, exploring their war and the scars this war has left behind. The other Expedition travels with our 13 years old author in the Norman streets of 2015, running parallel with his imagination of what the war would have been like through the stories he learns, going deeper into the lives of those who fought here!

Book Title: The title, “Expeditionary” for this book, which is historical fiction title is certainly an appropriate one, with reference to the collection of chapters added to this book by the Author. In addition, it is a very ‘Catchy Title’ and this is something, which makes the book even more interesting, as the title itself compels you as a poetry lover to pick up this book for a read. In this case, the title is giving a very inspiring as well as interesting vibe so you would feel the urge to go inside the chapters and try to understand the Author’s expression of words!

In addition, I must mention that the title of this book is much “Justified” with regards to the poems in this book. Undoubtedly, it is a very apt for this poetry collection book and the Author had been extremely wise to go for this title!

Readers Connect: Well, Author Abhishek Kadiyala has a motivation of telling this story to a global audience. He hopes to present his readers with those numerous heroic tales of grit and strife in combat, which he picked up from Normandy. The stories that became embedded both in the story of this book and author’s personal life, as they inspired him in times of failure, gave him hope in times of uncertainty and helped him mature as a person in these past seven years.

Another very important aspect of this book is that the narration made by the Author is indeed engrossing & interesting and the language used in this book is so lucid, that it would totally hook the readers until the very last page. Moreover, this is a book, which will make the readers think about the plot for several times, even after completing the book.

Verdict: A Book like “Expeditionary” is for sure a Must-Read oneand deserves a chance. The way Author had penned down the stories in his book is indeed breath taking and deserves an appreciation. His work is praise worthy as he has succeeded in creating a successful historical fiction title!

Moreover, if you are one of those readers, who looks forward to read a worthy Historical Fiction plot to read then this book is probably a great fit for you. Author, Abhishek Kadiyalais a promising young Author, who is very honest with his writings, which can be felt in his spectacular stories. Readers across the globe will love this book, since the book is successful in reflecting a sense of hope and courage!

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