Author Feature : Sandeep Rathee Author of the book “Firaq”

The Rise Insight: Welcome to The Rise Insight, author. Congratulations on the release of your book. What responses are you getting from your readers? Please share your experience with this book.

Author: Thankyou for having me here and thanks once again for your wishes. Well the response is better then expected for me as it was my first work and I was not expecting great “number “success. My experience with this book is very personal and mesmerising as I lived some of my most amazing moments of life while writing this book. The whole cycle of ups and downs, new learnings, putting your heart out was something I will cherish whole of my life.

The Rise Insight: What encourages you to become an Author?

Author: so being an author was not on table from beginning. It’s all picked up by time. Am an avid reader and has read a lot of books. After juggling around the books and the experiences i had in my life made me realise that words are very powerful. They liberate you, can change lives and can life forever. That realisation of words being more powerful then swords really drove me closer to became an author. The feeling of putting your mind in your words which resonate with the lives of masses encouraged me to became an author.

The Rise Insight: What are your favorite topics of writing? Please tell us something about your interest areas in the literature.

Author: Well although my first book is on love and it’s related aspects but my favourite topics of writing is socio-political issues, stories of the most downtrodden part of society, sufferings of mankind and their way outs. Literature starting from the vedic times has a very essential part of our society.  But unfortunately the habit of reading and writing is crumbling in this digital world and so literature is suffering. My foremost interest is to make it more lively by putting the real life stories of people in central stage through the help of literature.

The Rise Insight: We were hoping you could tell us about some of those writers who had inspired you and whom you follow!

Author: Being a reader there are lots of work that inspired me. Like for example महाभारत by Ved vyasa ji, रश्मिरथी by Shri Ramdhari Singh Dinkar ji, शायद by Jaun Elia ji , साये में धूप by Shri Dushyant kumar ji, फिर मेरी याद  by Shri kumar vishvas ji and so on. Right now am following these people closely as they are from the same field of writing and have an amazing collection of literature to their name.

The Rise Insight: The titles seem different and catchy; how you decided it? Please let us know the story behind it.

Author:  So I wanted a title which can express the whole essence of book in one word. I used “ फ़िराक़ “ in many of my writings which essentially means the period of separation. But somehow it was not clicking to my mind at that time and one fine night when i was listening to Mr Ahmad Faraz, a renowned poet he used this word in one of his नज़्म. I became sure at that very moment that am going to use this for my title as its a befitting synopsis of the whole book.

The Rise Insight: What are your achievements so far? Tell us something about your writing career.

Author: So it is my first book, in that sense i don’t have much to boost about my achievements as a writer. Other then that am in electronics engineering and enrolled in Phd. Along with it am  active in social services and civil rights activities.

The Rise Insight: What is your current goal in writing a career? How do you see your future in writing?

Author: My current goal in writing is simple  – to be the voice of voiceless. I think my future is writing will be decided by how much hardwork i will be able to put. I think the lovely audience has all the right to decide my future as a writer because afterall it’s all about them. Whatever it will be, i will accept that with bow head.

The Rise Insight: Are there any other books being worked by you? Please let us know about your future projects.

Author: There are some projects in the pipeline out of which two are in advanced stages. There working titles are “ राजतंत्र “ and “ ज़ुनून “. One is a political satire and the other one is a ray of motivation for those feeling lost in life. Hope these will also be loved by people and will inspire them.

The Rise Insight: How you see Indian writing in the 21st century? What changes do you see in the modern way of writing? Do you feel it has been changed by the time?

Author: Writing in 21 st century has changed a lot. Now people like more and more stories that actually resonates to their lives and what they are going through. Stories that let them dream, that liberates them.  In that way more and more writers are writing in that direction. In this digital world it has become bit easy to tell your stories as compared to earlier times so more and more writers from small towns with less resources are coming out with amazing things and making an impact. The hold of elite class on writings and the culture of select few in writings is waning down which i think is a positive change going forward in 21st century.

The Rise Insight: How easy/ difficult it was for you to publish your book? What message would you like to give to budding authors?

Author: I wouldn’t  say it was a very easy process to publish a book but it was definitely a fullfilling and memorable process for me. Driving through all this was a worthwhile experience.

My message to budding authors is simple, keep your passion alive, keep believing in yourself and somehow things will fall at their places. Never stop, never quit. Remember great things took time so keep up the good work and keep writing.


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