The best books of 2021( so far)

As we are approaching the fourth month of 2021, in spite of the COVID lockdown and the lives around with many restrictions, one of the industries that are still giving good output is the publishing industry. This has been the same all around the world. The authors and writers have been responsible for giving out their best to the readers.

Engaging people with reading is a good gesture which will also calm their minds. There are many articles that popped on the internet about how to cope with the loss of loved ones during COVID times, or, using the time staying at homes effective and such. One of the popular remedies is ‘ reading ‘.

In this connection, as a token of thanks to the authors, below is the list of the best books released around the world to date.

Swapna Peri

A passionate book reviewer, writer, narrator, translator and a copy editor, Swapna has a B. Tech in Computer Science and is a former SAP Technical Consultant. She is the writer, narrator, editor and translator for three books published with Literoma Publishing, Kolkata. She created and manages the “Book Reviews Café” official blog and Facebook page that contains all the book reviews. Swapna is also a content writer and reviewer with Storizen Magazine and CriticSpace Journals website. She is a columnist with one of the leading women's websites in Telugu named 'Vihanga'. Recently, she has joined ' The Literature Times' team to share her views and articles about general topics, movies and books.

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