Interview With Author Dr. Dewakar Goel

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The Rise Insight: First of all, congratulations on the publication of your book “A Tryst with Neurologist Dr. Navneet Kumar”. How has the audience responded to the book so far?

Dr. Dewakar Goel: Well the response is very encouraging lot many people called me and appreciated this biography with the difference which is proving as a help book for them even doctors called that being physician it is helping them for patients since its from horses mouth a research work on neurological diseases.

The Rise Insight: How similar or difficult is it being a doctor and a writer?

Dr. Dewakar Goel: Well I am a doctor with PH,d but my entire friend circle is of medical doctors from different specialities. if you see my childhood album except me you will find all are doctors. though I was brilliant student but luck has its own role and fate was to be a multifaceted man me a poet, writer singer professor and bureaucrat with the difference having books in Hindi, English, Urdu. Tamil, Malayalam and Bangla. The books are on poetry. stories, law, philosophy, fiction, management etc. See I started writing at the age of 12 as passion. there is doctor in me who lived as medical student with my friends in medical colleges and saw their personal and professional life closely.

The Rise Insight: In the present time, people write on their lives rather than anyone else. What inspired you to write a book on the life of Dr. Kumar?

Dr. Dewakar Goel: See writing biography for others is really a difficult task but in present book I wrote for Dr. Navneet my childhood friend studies together till B.Sc appeared in medical entrance together failed and finally he cleared. look I saw his personal and professional life quite closely since we are in constant touch since last more than 48 years, his devotion dedication and super specialisation to become world level neurologist is before my eyes. before this I motivated and inspired him to write text books for medical students which are now reference books my publisher prentice hall published those books.

I wanted his work to come before public at large as help book so I decided to write his life journey which makes him a doctor with difference his works are multifaceted. I compared him with Dr. B C Roy and Dr. Bates of U S because he deserved to stand with them it was pleasure to write for him.

The Rise Insight: How easy or difficult was it to give words and explain your ideas in the book?

Dr. Dewakar Goel: writing is like hunger to me it is the easiest job for me giving lectures across world as expert is not only my job but its hobby. writing is relaxation for me. Look my latest book is titled WRITINGS ON THE WALL, inscription of time on the pages of life. It’s about 24 articles on variety of subjects. My novel AIIMS CATCH ME IF YOU CAN is having me as central character on which a film is being conceptualized. Writing this book became easy since inputs were provided to me by team of doctors who worked under Dr. Navneet you can see them in the book.

The Rise Insight: Since you know Dr. Kumar personally, what do you think motivated him and Dr. Roy and Dr. Bates to selflessly work for humanity in a time when selfishness and cruelty are most common?

Dr. Dewakar Goel: see all these 3 doctors proved themselves as great human being my grandfather Rai bahadur Dr. Kedar Nath Goel was first Indian civil surgeon and his words I recall half of illness of patient goes with human touch of doctor. Navneet sacrificed his career to work in small towns of U P when he could have settled abroad or shifted to Metro earning crores. he served poor and needy inspired young doctors as teacher wrote books on various topics for masses that makes him to stand with Dr. B C Roy the father of medicine.

The Rise Insight: What is the basic message that you want to convey to the readers through the medium of the book?

Dr. Dewakar Goel: my purpose for writing this book is to help people with expert advice of dr. Navneet as neurologist they can find all details causes and remedies fo Migraine, Stroke, Epilepsy, Parkinsons, Alzheimer s and Vertigo in this book it is going to be a book on saying prevention is better than cure.

The Rise Insight: Would you like to try your hand at fiction writing someday? If yes, what can the readers expect the writing to be about?

Dr. Dewakar Goel: great thing you asked look my fiction is a novel now second edition AIIMS CATCH ME IF YOU CAN its life of medical students inside story love romance sex suspense suicide studies career friendship tragedy all as I said above very soon you will see a movie based on it another fiction is in my mind which will be on depression love suicide see my fiction will always be based on the footing of reality not in sir.

The Rise Insight: How far did your experience influence in shaping up your writing?

Dr. Dewakar Goel: excellent question by you without influence you cannot write now what influence? as writer things touches you you feel them as Empath, me a Scorpio 14 November born with intuition I read a lot and travel across countries so far given lectures as proud Indian in over 30 countries where the life style living their culture, knowledge, thinking all influence me. recently I was in Mauritius for over 4 months where life was normal without corona and I learnt a lot wrote 2 books.

The Rise Insight: Are there any particular authors or books you enjoy reading?

Dr. Dewakar Goel: Yes, I am old timer having read hundreds of books from childhood Arthur Hailly I liked the most because every book written by him is with full conviction and authenticity whether it is Hotel. Airport, Final diagnosis or money changers, I like to read and practice palmistry books by Cheiro, another favourite is Dale Carnegie, how to win friends and influence people and how to stop worrying and start living I liked poetry of john Keats, Eliots the biography of guru dev Rabindranath Tagore influenced me the most.

The Rise Insight: Would you like to give any advice to budding writers?

Dr. Dewakar Goel: Yes, to be a writer you must be a good reader and listener, your patience and grasping power is important, you must be articulative imaginary with great conviction when you write think you are the best be confident and own your writings. travel interact with people especially poor and needy above all become good human being whose heart beats for cause of others.

The Rise Insight: Please tell us about your future projects in writing.

Dr. Dewakar Goel: well I am working on a book on law for LL.B and Commerce students, reference book on training and development, poetry book for poems written in Mauritius also a book on FiR – police and public prospective. I set impossible goals in life today 18 books are there next year 23 and target is 100.

The Rise Insight: What would you like to say about contemporary writing?

Dr. Dewakar Goel: see today the days are changing people are going for Kindle, Goodreads reading on net short stories a lot on fiction there is hurry to become writer to be famous, self-publishing gave then chance with freedom there are no checks and balances see I have publishers like JAICO, PRENTICE HALL, SHROFF. BANYAN TREE. UBSPD. UNIVERSAL LAW who has editorial experts to evaluate your manuscript before accepting I proudly say by now, I must have earned royalty over 5 lacs for thousands of books sold by my publishers. contemporary writing today I see its rush with no depth or research in majority of cases compilation is not writings one has to innovate imagine explore ideas.

The Rise Insight: Thank you so much for sparing your time and answering the questions. All the best to you.

Dr. Dewakar Goel: Its my pleasure I am happy that you are doing a great job.

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