COLLUDE: A Secret Agreement | Prasun Kulshrestha | The Litrature Times

The Literature Times

Some books may be short, but the manner in which authors pack action in them and add the right flavors of mystery and suspense makes the book an unforgettable work. Prasun Kulshrestha’s book, “Collude: A Secret Agreement,” is a book that begins the features of one genre of literary writing, but as the book progresses, it assumes strikingly different dimensions of another genre. As it starts with a futuristic subject, it unfolds and explores a plot that is relevant to the present day.

The team of scientists and developers voluntarily stranded on an island for once may remind the readers of William Golding’s “Lord of The Flies,” however, the content and characters have a completely different fate here. This invokes the element of fantasy and but their future makes the mysterious aspect creep in. The author plans and packs the book with appropriately placed twists, and the title holds absolute relevance only when it reaches the climax. It is surprising for the readers, which makes reading “Collude: A Secret Agreement” a thrilling experience for the readers.

There is the almost direct involvement of the readers even though there are frequent visits of the third-person narrator, at the same time exploration of subjects like the manipulative human nature, impacts of scientific attitude, money being the king, and many more. Readers who are fascinated by mystery-fiction, which also has a little fusion of sci-fi elements, can take Kulshrestha’s “Collude” for reading.

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