Book Review: Haunted Girl – No My Baby Never. Author: B. Anilkumar

Haunted Girl

Title: Haunted Girl – No My Baby Never
ISBN: 9789354460982
Author: B. Anilkumar
Publisher: Evincepub Publishing

Destiny is a fascinating, and scary term. The best and the worst thing about destiny is that it is not in our control, and thus, all we can do is go with the flow and face everything with bravery and positivity. When destiny throws a problem at you, it depends on you how you deal with it. Some people give up, some stay and do nothing, and some fight back with bravery. But, what will you do if your life is full of twists and turns, and the twists and destined to mess your love life, and at times, sanity?

Such is the story of Aarav, an orphan who has struggled a lot since his childhood and achieved fame, success, and respect on his own by his hard work and the attitude of never giving up. Soon, he meets a girl named Aarushi, for whom he falls head over heels. Now, as destiny would have it, soon a turn comes into Arush’s life where he is again lonely and craving for the care, love, and warmth that Aarushi used to give him. He then meets Saloni, who helps him overcome his loneliness and they soon fall in love. But then again, there is a terrible turn in their life, due to which Arush’s dreams are shattered again, and he is left all alone, and this time, in a more devastating way. What do you think could have happened? Will Aarushi come back to Arush’s life? What happened to Saloni and Aarush’s relationship?

The main character in the book, Arush is the speaker in the book. The whole book is written from the First Person perspective, which makes it feel like a Bollywood movie going on. Now, the story focuses on themes such as destiny, romance, betrayal, and struggle. The main character’s life is shown to be really messed up, with lots of twists and turns which has turned out really entertaining and thrilling. The reader will surely enjoy the suspense and the twists and turns by the author that change the whole course of the story in just one sentence or an incident. The character development by the author is also applaudable. The dialogue writing is really interesting to read. As mentioned earlier, the whole book will feel like a Bollywood movie and is really entertaining.

The story is set in the state of Madhya Pradesh, with cities like Indore. A good description of the city is also provided in the story, which shows that the author has done his research on the book really well and has penned it down in an informative way. The reader will come to know a lot about the city of Indore and its monuments.

The expression of emotions in the book, like pain, feeling of love, loneliness, dependency is written aptly and the reader will be able to feel the emotions felt by the characters. A lot of situations will also be relatable to the reader which will surely make the book more entertaining. The writing style in the book is casual, which is really helpful as one can read the book with ease without getting worried about complicated sentences or vocabulary. The book goes in a proper flow and things seem to be interestingly in place. If you like to read books similar to Bollywood Romance with lots of twists, turns and suspense, check this one out.

A few suggestions for the book are that a few incidents can be shorted instead of being extremely detailed. Though the book is an entertainer, the over-detailed incidents can make some parts boring. Also, a little bit more clarity on the plot, in the beginning, will help the readers understand the story much better, as the beginning got quite confusing.

Apart from this, the book is an interesting read with an entertaining plot.

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