Book Feature: FAILURE : It Never Ends Unless…!! by Devanshi kanani

Author : Devanshi kanani
ISBN :9789393966230
Publisher : Wings Publication (19 September 2022)

About the Book

Forget about the failure, as it is indeed. Failing at something is the precursor of success. It’s the greatest teacher in the world. No one can teach what failure can. You, I, and we all are getting failures. But the fact is we denied accepting it. It’s a feeling of a shame for us to accept the fact of getting failed. But the fact is there is nothing wrong in getting failed. Although it’s a sign that at least you are giving it a try.

This book is all about the dissection of once failure. It will help you to answer questions like what failure is. What success is? What are the different factors that are responsible for the failure? How fear of failure is horrific? And, the ways to cope up with it!! Last but not the least, what is your comfort zone? How to expand it? And, the guide to quit at the right time!! To make your goal more accessible and more powerful, this book will provide you with an action plan at the end.

The action plan will help you to bring out thoughts and ideas from your mind, which eventually creates a road map to your destination. This book is the product of multiple failures, failures of mine and yours. You can relate with me at each and every point. I would like to wind up my words with wishing you good luck for your journey. You all are close to my heart.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Devanshi kanani

Devanshi kanani is a young passionate author who was born on 28th February 1999 and raised in the small village of Amreli, currently based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. She has very fond love for reading and writing since her childhood. She has completed her secondary education at the Jawahar Navodaya Vidhyalaya, Amreli, and graduation in nursing from MKBU Bhavnagar. She is currently working as a nursing tutor cum clinical instructor at Khyati Foundation Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

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