Author Feature : Sanya Nakra Author of the Book “The Girl Who Smiled”

The Rise Insight: Welcome to The Rise Insight, author. Congratulations on the release of your book. What responses are you getting from your readers? Please share your experience with this book.

Author: Thank You! Yes the journey has begun and it feels great.It would be to early to gauge response but the beautiful thing is that people are finding the incidents in the book relatable and the book overall realistic. I have already received requests for the sequel. People feel that this book is a perfect exploration of love in contemporary times!

The Rise Insight: What encourages you to become an Author?

Author: I have always been extremely passionate about writing since I was a kid. I was 15 by when I had written 1000+ poems. Storytelling also excites me and putting drama in words is a different vibe. In a nutshell,I always wanted to write books and am glad I have begun my journey.

The Rise Insight: What are your favorite topics of writing? Please tell us something about your interest areas in the literature.

Author: Well what excites me is Love. I am personally a mix of old school and contemporary when it comes to this area. This is exactly what many people are. People in pursuit of old school love stuck in contemporary times. I did commercially freelance but that was work and passion for writing. Personally I love to write poetry to capture love,relationships, feelings, emotions and my novels this book onwards is what excites me most! Romance! It will always be somewhere around love I think I would say!

The Rise Insight: We were hoping you could tell us about some of those writers who had inspired you and whom you follow!

Author: Oh! Of course..So as a kid I began reading Enid Blyton and loved the way how those books captured words which were strung and did visual storytelling through writing. I fell in love with romance genre when I read books by Cecilia Ahern, Nicholas Sparks, Erich Sehgal and Danielle Steel. Also, I love Arthur Hailey’s work. The most interesting form of writing is when you can write multiple plots and string it together beautifully without disrupting the reader’s attention. All books by him beautifully explained the industries with storylines woven impeccably! 

The Rise Insight: The titles seem different and catchy; how you decided it? Please let us know the story behind it.

Author: Well for one it is a piece of Fiction. I decided the title as this just felt so apt how people lose their sense of happiness and smiles in the pursuit of love. And so Ananya who is protagonist became “ The Girl Who Smiled” . That wasn’t a spoiler! Why was it so is something you would know once you read the book😊

The Rise Insight: What are your achievements so far? Tell us something about your writing career.

Author: I have a bagful of experiences. I am an Engineer with MBA but have never had an inclination and always had a creative mind at play. I have interned with brands like Star TV( Channel V) , United Nations, Delhi Food Walks, Travel Secrets Magazine, Montenegro Embassy (part of EU). I have worked in Media Relations. Worked at Snapdeal in the Fashion Team and worked there with few great Fashion Designers! Have also worked with Nestle and currently with Mccormick Kohinoor Foods as a Brand Manager. Well if we start with Writing it has always been there but since I have done a lot of Freelancing as a writer more or less all was Ghostwriting! I have written Product Description decks, Blogs, Technical Writing, Press Releases, Articles on multitude of topics and done some brief submission to newspapers in the past. Poetry is something I write and share on a personal front!

The Rise Insight: What is your current goal in writing a career? How do you see your future in writing?

Author: My current goal is to not stop and keep writing books. Books which can capture the essence of love. I would love to transition my content from Novels to  OTT/ Screenplay. I would also continue to write 1-2 books every year!

The Rise Insight: Are there any other books being worked by you? Please let us know about your future projects.

Author: I am in the process of 2 more books coming one being a collection of poetry and the other a collection of 4 short love stories! They would be available online by end of this month. In the future a sequel is planned to this book and Yes! I have already started work on it.

The Rise Insight: How you see Indian writing in the 21st century? What changes do you see in the modern way of writing? Do you feel it has been changed by the time?

Author: Writing an infact Indian Writing has become more vocal about things which were taboo in the past. If we talk about the style of writing it has changed extensively. Old writing pieces or novels would be long winding not suited for the readers today where reader’s span has multiple points of interruption with things like Mobiles, Laptops, Social Media,etc.Writing needs to be done in the 21st century in a manner where these readers can accomadate book reading between these interruptions. With the digital age writing needs to capture essence of being more shareable and click oriented. In case of romance as a genre sensuality is sought and so is the art of being gripping and still be succinct.

The Rise Insight: How easy/ difficult it was for you to publish your book? What message would you like to give to budding authors?

Author: Well publishing a book is a task because the effort and consistency needs to be maintained both while writing and then finding a credible source, one that can give life to your writing. For budding authors it is important to know there will be days when you will be stuck with a Writer’s Block and trust me it is a real challenge but if consistency and will power is maintained don’t let that storyline of yours get lost in the process! Always, have that confidence in yourself and you will get there and it is indeed a different feeling! Passion for writing will drive you and no other drive should dilute it !

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