Interview with J P Desai author of the book The Blossoming Lotus

j p desai

The Author, J.P. Desai born and brought up in the remote village of Maharashtra in India where the poet passed his primary school while working as cowboy, supporting in the field. He struggled hard, suffered a lot working and studying from S.S.C. to graduation, post-graduation. He kept changing jobs from child labour to the clerk, finally settled in teaching field, taught English upto XII th standard for 35 years. He has been reading English literatures throughout the life. His novel “Thank you Dad” illustrates the career achievement of an unwanted daughter harassed by her father. The extensive travelling, reading, music remain all time hobbies. Presently he has published the poetry collection “The Blossoming Lotus”.

Neel Preet: Firstly, Big Congratulations to you on your book, “The Blossoming Lotus” What responses are you getting from this book of yours? Please share your experience about this book.

J.P. Desai: Let me first thank you very much for an excellent perfect, appropriate review of The Blossoming Lotus’. Similar reviews have been appearing here also. The readers’ positive response is overwhelming.

Neel Preet: Your book is a wonderful collection of “Emotional & Inspirational Poems” so what inspired you to write these poems?

J.P. Desai: The astounding, overflowing, supressed, emotional experience confined to some extent, compelled me produce poems.

Neel Preet: You’ve given a very interesting title to your book, which is very catchy too so, what made you go for this title for your book?

J.P. Desai: Kamal means Lotus, the name of my late wife whose maddening death agony has been the cause of the flourishing poetry hence the title ‘The Blossoming Lotus’.

Neel Preet: What was your mind-set, while working on this book? What was the impetus behind this work of yours?

J.P. Desai: For over six month, I was drowned in grief, dumb in despair, couldn’t find solace in music, reading, movies, nature, company. Suddenly I started writing English poems endlessly till 175th poem. I may attach death sorrow as an impetus unevenly. P.B. Shelley had rightly said,
“Our Sweetest songs are those
That tell us of Saddest thought.”

Neel Preet: Very few Authors are coming out with ‘Poetry Collections’ these days however you did so, which I believe is a bold step. So, why did you choose Poetry and not something else?

J.P. Desai: I have fortunately, timely found the poetry as an ideal medium to express my aged long supressed, lingering, vivid thoughts, emotions and experiences.

Neel Preet: While reading your book, I found that your poems had some really strong emotions and stories inside them, which had greatly impressed me and thus I would like you to explain the overall theme of your book!

J.P. Desai: I am quite precise about my poetry. There isn’t any ambiguity, everything is crystal clear. Each poem is independent of thought or feeling. My own ideas and emotions are so strong and have caught up with the relevant experiences, the events, and the phenomenon in the nature, history and human life. The stories have been developed through distinctively.

Neel Preet: Your writing seemed to be impeccable and you were bold with your poems in your book, which I really appreciate. Therefore, I want you to tell us about some of those writers, who had inspired you and whom you follow!

J.P. Desai: I have not been impressed, inspired by any great author, ism or thought, cult though I have been conversant with local, national and International Literature. I have read major landmarks. The form of the poems has been developed independently.

Neel Preet: Is there any message which you would like to convey to your readers? Or any piece of advice, which you would like to give to the readers out there!

J.P. Desai: It’s a great fun that people listen, read and watch ideal thoughts even in modern times though they are not practical and keep following the routine. Glorious days are here again. Enjoy whole heartedly without least bothering the preaching.

Neel Preet: Are there any other books being worked by you? Please let us know about your future projects.

J.P. Desai: My ‘Thank You Dad’ novel was published ten years ago. Rober Frost’s poem would rightly reveal my current mind-set,
“Woods are lovely dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep.”

Neel Preet: Thank you so much for answering all my questions. All the very best to you for future and your book too!

J.P. Desai: Thank you so much.

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