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Business strategies Post Pandemic

Book Review : Business strategies Post Pandemic by Author Swati Saksena Jha

The world was travelling at a commendable speed globally towards progress, with huge advancements in technology and industries flourishing, trade abundant and economies improving year on year. All was well, till 2020 began. Ever since the beginning of 2020, the world has been engulfed by Covid-19 and is still battling with its various strains. Corona virus has been a serious disease which has brought all businesses to a grinding halt and claimed lives globally. The danger was unforeseen and hence very little could be done over the months, which has resulted in loss of jobs and businesses over the past year. People are affected alike irrespective of their class, religion and nationality across the globe. Economies of even developed countries need a revival at such times, as they too are running a negative GDP since they got affected by the virus. Though we have vaccines available now with India leading this special health care against the Corona virus, it’ll take time for the world to administer the vaccines to every willing citizen. In the mean time, economies have to be corrected, industries have to be made to resume production and incomes have to be generated by businesses for employees in order to support livelihoods after a long break.

Amidst this unprecedented scale of reorganization at world level, comes the book of Ms Swati Saksena Jha, bringing a hoard of solutions in the form of “Business strategies Post Pandemic”. Fresh ideas adorn the book, where the author uses a free flowing writing style, with lots of imperatives to convey power packed messages for motivating and inspiring businesses to gear up for the challenges and look forward to not only sustaining but also increasing their sales during and post the pandemic. 

Businesses have gone through the most challenging times of the century and need recovery at the earliest. In order to begin taking steps towards restarting businesses, the author makes suggestions on how businesses have to go through changes with changing times and adapt to the current situation. Ms Swati lists that businesses are in an urgent need to create, change and follow new models so as to help them survive through the pandemic. She mentions how revamping of each business and orienting it with much of online transactions can prove to be beneficial for customers as well as businesses, adding that the focus has to shift from product to service in order to retain customers. 

As the name suggests, the book carries business strategies that need to be realigned along with step-wise methods of implementation of these strategies to revive businesses and economies and get the world running once again. Ms Jha identifies the problems that need addressing, points at the new normal that might set in given this prolonged halt of businesses and then uses her rich experience to make suggestions on important aspects of corporate progress such as evaluation of resources, client relationships, empowering employees amongst many other well thought strategies. She emphasizes on need of creativity with regards to not only the infrastructure but also sales processes, while holding importance of data security as prime as payment methods such as digital payments have already become the new age preferred way globally.

The author has inserted wise thoughts and famous sayings of business men in the book at regular intervals to keep the reader motivated to prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. Future marketing strategies hold a key to recovery and Ms Swati Saksena Jha effectively mentions solutions in this regards as well, highlighting the need of giving more importance to customer service and designing sales processes in order to make it easy for the client to carry out transactions and fulfill their needs with ease. With her rich experience in the field of sales and marketing, the author generously inserts motivational quotes and imperatives to mobilize the readers towards reaching their goals. 

In line with the existing business situations globally and looking at the future of businesses post the pandemic, the book by Ms Jha is hereby strongly recommended for not only big businesses but also SMEs and MSMEs, as the book carries strategies that can help revive both large corporates and micro businesses alike.

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