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Ehaan Nawaz

Book Review: “Assassination Nation”

Book: Assassination Nation
Author: Ehaan Nawaz
Publisher: Evincepub Publishing (2022)
Total Pages: 193
Reviewed By: Neel Preet

“What looks bad from outside can be good from inside, as we do not know everything and everything has got more than one side. Therefore, it is better to go through every aspect before reaching to a final conclusion!”

Reviewing this daring Fictional book, “Assassination Nation” by Author Ehaan Nawaz has been a great experience to me. Since, this young author has very cleverly presented a world of underground organization in his book. In addition, the manner in which the author had highlighted the several incidents taking place in the lives of the various characters in the book is truly incredible.

About the Author: Author, Ehaan Nawaz was born on 11th of August in the year 2008. He is a 14-year-old boy who was born and raised in Telangana Hyderabad, India. He was a bookworm and read novels like ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Percy Jackson.’ His family for his habit of reading always supported him. His relatives always motivated him to read books because of which his father bought him loads of books every Sunday. Being a fan of fiction and motivated by his cousin he decided to write a fictional story of a teenager and his adventures when they find a secret organization of assassins.

This book portrays the life of a common boy, Zack and throws light on how his life gave him a chance to go on a crazy adventure. However, Ehaan, a fan of plot twists, unfolds unexpected turns into the story, which changes the main character’s personality. This being his first book, although he is a bit nervous, but is confident with his storyline.

Book’s Introduction: This book, “Assassination Nation” by Author Ehaan Nawaz tends to take the readers through the world of crime and mystery. The book can rightly be considered as a ‘Crime Fictional’ novel, where the story revolves around some of the main characters of the plot. This is the story of Zack Morales, who was an ordinary boy. In fact, his life was so ordinary that he was bored; he was someone who liked a bit of adventure. However, he had not expected his wish to be granted so soon. One morning, Zack was walking to school when he saw his brother, Troy Morales, lurking suspiciously under a bridge. Zack decided to follow his brother and find out what his brother was involved into. Little did Zack know that his elder brother was part of an illegal organization that was made up of Assassins!

Further, the story progresses by revealing the name of the organization in which Zack’s brother was involved. That organization was named ‘Assassination Nation’ later Zack soon found out that the organization was not bad but, an organization intent on doing well. Due to various circumstances, Zack found his way into the world of Assassins as an assassin himself. He decided to devote himself to the organization and wished to become a great assassin.

Book Title: The title, “Assassination Nation” for this book, which is criminal fictional title is certainly an appropriate one, with reference to the collection of chapters added to this book by the Author. In addition, it is a very ‘Catchy Title’ and this is something, which makes the book even more interesting, as the title itself compels you as a poetry lover to pick up this book for a read. In this case, the title is giving a very mystical as well as interesting vibe so you would feel the urge to go inside the chapters and try to understand the Author’s expression of words!

In addition, I must mention that the title of this book is much “Justified” with regards to the poems in this book. Undoubtedly, it is a very apt for this poetry collection book and the Author had been extremely wise to go for this title.

Readers Connect: Well, the Authorhas done a great work with the plot of his novel and he had completely succeeded in creating a unique storyline. The book presents the tales of an underground organization in a very clever manner, which will leave the readers stunned. Another very important aspect of this book is that the narration made by the Author is indeed engrossing & interesting and the language used in this book is so lucid, that it would totally hook the readers until the very last page. Moreover, this is a book, which will make the readers think about the plot for several times, even after completing the book.

Verdict: A Book like “Assassination Nation” is for sure a Must-Read oneand deserves a chance. The way Author had penned down the stories in his book is indeed breath taking and deserves an appreciation. His work is praise worthy as he has succeeded in creating a successful criminal fiction title!

Moreover, if you are one of those readers, who is looking forward to read a worthy Criminal Fiction plot then this book is probably a great fit for you. Ehaan Nawaz is a promising young Author, who is very honest with his writings, which can be felt in his spectacular stories. Readers are bound to love this book.

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