Month: October 2021

Where Bravehearts Dwelt – 10 Incredible Stories from Indian History by Saurav Ranjan Datta

The history of India is not only fascinating but also very colourful; it narratesincidents of myriad contours. However, till date we have only been exposed to itfrom an academic point of view. While our mythologies have fascinated thepopulace of this country repeatedly due to their fantastical elements and also dueto the quality of their supreme storytelling style, history has always taken a backseat.

Keen Sustainability by Dr. Rudrarup Gupta

“Keen Sustainability” The concept of “Sustainable Education” is the best medium to enable all the “Sustainable Development Goals” in all over the globe. Most importantly the entire responsibilities will be allotted to all of our aspired students not only to inculcate the concept of all the 17 goals for the noticeable global perfection along with […]

Mask Man of India : Tatsamyak Manu

फरवरी 2020 के किसी तारीख की बात है। मैं बिहार की राजधानी पटना से परीक्षा देकर वापस घर को लौट रहा था, जिस ट्रेन के लिए सीट आरक्षित था, कैपिटल एक्सप्रेस थी। रात्रि के 11 बजे ट्रेन आई और मैं अपने गंतव्य को जाने के लिए पूर्वयोजित ‘सीट’ पर बैठ गया, जो कि लोवर बर्थ थी ! उस तारीख में भी देश में ‘कोरोना’ अपनी मायाजाल फैलाते हुए बढ़ी जा रही थी, पटना में भी वायरस आ चुके थे, सिर्फ़ प्रमाणित होना बाकी था, किन्तु मैंने दूरअंदेशी को देखते हुए ‘मास्क’ लगाना शुरू कर दिया था। जिस कंपार्टमेंट में मैं बैठा था, मैंने देखा कि उस कंपार्टमेंट में ही नहीं, वरन पूरी बोगी में किसी यात्री ने मास्क पहने हुए नहीं थे। मैंने सामने की सीट पर बैठे सहयात्री भाई साहब से पूछ ही बैठा- ‘क्या सर कोरोना चली गयी क्या ? आपने मास्क नहीं लगाया है !’

Book Review : The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky

In 1880 Dostoevsky completed The Brothers Karamazov, the literary effort for which he had been preparing all his life. Compelling, profound, complex, it is the story of a patricide and of the four sons who each had a motive for murder: Dmitry, the sensualist, Ivan, the intellectual; Alyosha, the mystic; and twisted, cunning Smerdyakov, the bastard child. Frequently lurid, nightmarish, always brilliant, the novel plunges the reader into a sordid love triangle, a pathological obsession, and a gripping courtroom drama. But throughout the whole, Dostoevsky searhes for the truth–about man, about life, about the existence of God. A terrifying answer to man’s eternal questions, this monumental work remains the crowning achievement of perhaps the finest novelist of all time.

After a 48-hour operation in J&K, soldiers’ bodies have been recovered, bringing the total number of casualties to nine.

The JCO and the soldier went missing, according to reports, when the Army came under intense fire from militants on Thursday. “Near thickly wooded region of Nar Khas forest in Mendhar, Poonch, Subedar Ajay Singh and Naik Harendra Singh were killed in action during search operations being undertaken by the Indian Army together with Jammu and Kashmir Police,” the army said in a statement today.

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